At my core, I’m a lazy cook. You?
I like good food, easily prepared. Especially after a long weekend away, and arriving home at dinnertime. And, after that weekend away, I was eager for simple. Plant-based, light, and oil-free. Restorative. Yes, miso soup!

Roasting your soup veggies means you’re free to do something else while they’re in the oven.
Instead of sauteing the veggies, I prepared them to oven roast while I did other things, like unpack. I sliced an onion in half and lengthwise, sliced about 2 ounces of mushrooms found in the fridge, chopped a whopper-size sweet potato (yam? I never remember the difference when they’re on the counter) into match-stick dice, and arranged it all on a parchment-lined cookie sheet, tossing on four full cloves of garlic, too.
The vegetables went into the oven, 375 F for 25 minutes, during which time I took care of other chores, and, filled a pot with 6 cups water, brought that to boil and whisked in 6 teaspoons of light miso, then turned off the heat. Also in the pot: a thumbs’ worth of chopped ginger … just the scent of it makes a person feel better. Some folks make the miso soup base in a more complicated way, but this works for me.
When the veggie timer went off, I pulled the veggies from the oven and nibbled a bit of roast onion. Yep, the high heat had brought out it’s sweetness. I dropped all the veggies into the pot, stirred lightly for a few minutes, then ladled the soup into bowls. I had one bowl without Sriracha, another dotted with it. Both were delicious. Yield? 6 bowls of soup.

Drop the roasted vegetables into the hot miso base, stir, and serve.

Dot your soup with Sriracha, it’s good with, and without.
Try it, enjoy!